BMX Tricks is the first game ever added to SpudMud! And its still a fun game to play!

Cross Block

Cross Block
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   In each level, the goal is to cross out all the squares. Depending on the level your numbers of boxes you need to cross out varies. All the squares you cross out must be in the same Row or Column. There are 50 puzzles in total, and as you progress you unlock new songs :) So if you get bored of one song you better solve the puzzles quicker to unlock the next few songs.
Weekly Hits: 2275 Total Hits: 7444
Size: 1541 KB
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none of the levels are that bad and i didnt skip any, but the 50th one has me really stuck! what do you mean look at the centre?
Man, that is hard, but I did it, all 50 levels, and I didn\'t skip one. If anyone wants a hint for level 50, look at the centre If you don\'t want a hint, don\'t read that bit
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