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Prince of War 1

Prince of War 1
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Play as Prince Vern and take command of your army of brave warriors. Fight side by side with Captain Rield and Sergeant Pitt to drive the Orcs out of your lands. Use the num pad to spawn troops. Its a bit like Battle for Gondor, only you can now fight along with your troops. But dont forget the sneaky orcs, thats still your job!
Weekly Hits: 2716 Total Hits: 10401
Size: 3528 KB
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well, I\'m up to level 49, i\'m hoping that it\'s only 50 levels cos if anymore i\'m screwed, lol
Well we have a version called Battle for Gondor, and seems you are only stuck in the top half where the Orcs run by... This one you can engage in the battle so I thought i should add it as a upgrade. Soon I will add another one which I hope you havent played (tho recently new games have those loading ads which i dont really like..) Im sure Il find something. Did you ever complete Run. ? :D
OOOLLLDDD :P Played this a while ago, I thought you had it already, but it\'s a good game Obviously completed it way before you too spudmud :P
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