Simple. Pull back your bow, and shoot your friend before they can kill you!

Body Ladder

Body Ladder
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Very unusual…seeing as you have to make a tower out of dead zombies?!? Bit weird I thought, turns out the higher you stack the zombies the more you are rewarded. Use the arrows to move and the mouse to aim and shoot, or swing the stick. After a certain height you get equipped with an axe, then other weapons and at one point a CHAINSAW! :D :D How high can you climb?
Weekly Hits: 2635 Total Hits: 27666
Size: 2848 KB
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Dome A Gnome
This game is dope of the chain... All im gonna say is ,Welcome to DomeTopia.
i gt 1,090,659
extremely gangsta
This is a seriously dope game, bro.
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