LOTS of skill is required to play Draw play 3. Think you got what it takes?!

Box Dodge Fury

Box Dodge Fury
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Game Information
Description:   Dodge exploding boxes in this fast pace action dodger, this game is pretty addicting. But they start to rain down really fast and there are lots of them too! And not only that but you have to jump over the gaps too...random ditches will catch you out! Must have really quick reactions to dodge them in the air, whilst jumping! Mayhem.
Weekly Hits: 2426 Total Hits: 12837
Size: 532 KB
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657 FTW!!!! xD
ozzy osbourne
i suck at this damn game even sharen cant beat it
Haha Chris thats nuts i just got 336ft too!! I have sent you a screen shot to prove it! lol
damn damn damn i suck at this game lol 279 feet
440 feet :P
336 feet, then just mistimed it
I love this game... soo adictive...
Like the music, it kinda turns into Avalanche later with soo many boxes falling!
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