A collection of every STRATEGY game on SpudMud. Dice Wars is my favourite


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Game Information
Description:  Looks very simply designed, but I assure you, it is not! So you are told, Jump to the top in less than 5 minutes. Only along the way you learn combinations to climb up walls, stick to ceilings, and learn how to do mega jumps AND thats just saying a few! SO once you mastered THIS: takes about the first go to master, then opt for the challenge. Best of luck, though I havent managed it.YET! :P
Weekly Hits: 2542 Total Hits: 11454
Size: 87 KB
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Haha i finally found out how to jump :D It jumps so fast though..! Waah i need to practice more^o^
i cant figure out how to jump
oooooomg. this is so hard =[
How do you climb up teh wallz?
My best time is 176 seconds remaining try and beat that Spudmin
Name: Frederic Comment: Hey Daniel, what do you get when you get to the top? Does it just say "End"... I havent managed it yet, but im still trying! After you beat it the word "complete" appears and a hole in the wall opens and you break yellow bricks right to the bottom of the stage(below where you start) andthen you fall in to a bunch of stars and it says " You win teh stars!!!!1" with two "lolz" sliding above and below that text. Have fun ;)
Hey Daniel, what do you get when you get to the top? Does it just say "End"... I havent managed it yet, but im still trying!
I finaly did it =)
This is hard...
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