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Very Simple Game

Very Simple Game
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Try to find the dot in each level to move on. Only it’s much better than that, because you get to listen to fun peaceful music, and see lots and lots of faces everywhere. The dots range from very big to very small, they can also move around which means you have to time your click.
Weekly Hits: 2730 Total Hits: 10010
Size: 717 KB
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the purple dot is under the middle of the center row (of 3) you only get a few milliseconds, so be patient. now to find the pink!!! help? hope that helps all of you!!!
wheres the purple dot!
guys wheres the white dot
wheres the purple dot
it took me a little bit but i got. good challenge game..
where is the purple?!
really can\'t find the last white dot?! any help?
Were is the Purple dot ?
wheres the last white dot Grrrr :@
caroline spencer
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