Motocross 2 is the 'best looking' bike game out there, decide for yourself if its the most fun.

Invasion 3

Invasion 3
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:  Choose the numbers of soldiers, archers, battering rams, cavalry you want in your army per round. Click on them on the battlefield to deploy them, giving you a chance to strategically time their movements for maximum impact on the enemy. You win a level by reducing the castle to a flaming pile of rubble.
Weekly Hits: 2750 Total Hits: 17373
Size: 569 KB
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I know what you mean Dan
Just spend all ya money on archers and you win every time!
Mr X
this game is easy!!!!!!!!!!! just get loads of archers an the health bar goes down in seconds
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