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Draw Play 3

Draw Play 3
Recommended because some games have had to have their dimensions changed to fit on this site but in the new window
the games original dimentions are preserved.

Game Information
Description:   Draw play is simple; use your mouse to draw your own level. Your aim is to get your guy to the flag, but along your way you are obstructed by traps that hurt you and your ground you create. Try to find a way to avoid dying a reach the end. Now has an upgraded tool for erasing stuff, which you can use to get your guy through those sticky situations. Awesome music!
Weekly Hits: 4139 Total Hits: 20424
Size: 2050 KB
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thruogh a test i learned i have very good problem solving skills i made it to lvl 20 with ease. ps try this lvl i made H#478%26@H#434%27@H#295%28@H#340%27@H#386%27@G#490%151@C#191%377@C#406%204@B#412%119@K#11%13@
im stuck on level 10
Level 4 is quite hard eh?
Frederic thanks
try to beat my level heres the code F#250%200@H#293%23@F#64%14@G#172%260@G#183%329@G#203%344@I#256%19@I#191%19@I#224%19@E#378%190@D#187%161@C#281%253@B#223%190@K#475%67@
SpudMud Team
Leave a comment saying if you would like us to get Draw Play 1 and 2 on spudmud... :) I will only get the previous games if people like the game. Thanks
t7: Il try and explain (took me ages to do lvl 30) at start make the guy go upwards by clicking below him(left side) and then jump across to the right to land on the block in the middle of the top left rotating spike. Then draw a bridge going to the middle until you reach the no draw zone. Time it so you start running from the spike, when its just gone under, and then jump just as the vertical flame has left the screen. You are safe on the right hand side then just build to the flag. Hope it makes sense. :)
how do you do lvl 30
Created by me...
Erm Ashley I did your level with pure luck, took me ages!! Was it even meant to be possible? And RWD if you can do that level il give you $10 and better still if you can video you doing it, I can make it safely to the right past the falling flame...but get killed by the grenades or the laser :( Was a teeny bit hard I think :P
Try beating my level, here is the code: J#181%176@I#386%287@H#295%27@G#490%124@F#67%43@B#218%121@E#182%176@D#177%84@C#239%205@K#490%25@
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